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Supporting local stores not only revitalizes the Schaumburg community but also ensures diversity and personalization in your shopping choices. Opting for local purchases in Schaumburg, Illinois has a direct positive impact on you. With LocalStores Directory, our mission is to bridge the gap between local stores and the Schaumburg community. If you own a store in Schaumburg, we can help steer more shoppers to your store and online presence. For those aspiring for a digital makeover, we also offer tailored website designs. Check out our Local Store Resource page for insights on growing your business.

Comet is a company that specializes in the production of ARRABINA® dietary fibers. Their proprietary line includes multiple grades of fully soluble powders that can be tailored to fit different formulation needs. The dietary fibers are versatile, with no taste, color, cost, or performance trade-offs. They have been proven to have good tolerability and health claims, and they have a low inclusion rate for claims. In addition, the production process is sustainable with a low impact on the environment. Comet's dedicated manufacturing facility produces over 4 million kilograms of ARRABINA per year using their patented upcycling technology.